Henke (pictured), a former truck driver, posted the online ad on the same day his wife asked for a divorce. He added: 'You lied to the police and said you had gone along with the communications with the intention of reporting to the police the person with whom you are communicating.' The judge said 'The condoms were flavoured and in the flavour you had been told the child liked.' Henke booked a motel room where he could have sex with the child and asked the person he thought was the mother to bring child exploitation material. 'You asked about the child's sexual experience … and asked whether the child had been shown the photograph you had sent of your penis,' Judge Kimber said. Henke sent a series of vile messages about the eight-year-old and offered $500 to have sex with her. 'The undercover officer pretended to be a 37-year-old mother of two young girls, aged five and eight,' Judge Kimber said. Police saw the ad and contacted Henke on the phone number he gave. The ad said it was from a 'male looking for mother and very young daughter', Judge Adam Kimber said during sentencing.
The South Australian District Court heard that on OctoHenke posted an online advertisement on a site called ChaosAds. Henke had a packet of flavoured condoms (pictured) on a desk in the motel room where he was waiting to abuse a child